Provides a Registered Buyer with an overview of all its activity on the platform. Certain information can be filtered by the purchaser, such as the currency and duration

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Purchaser dashboard

Fig 1 - Purchaser Dashboard Top

Purchaser dashboard

Fig 2 - Purchaser Dashboard Bottom


Purchaser can filter the dashboard providing a start and an end date. By default, 120 days will be set as the date range.


Purchaser can filter the dashboard currency.


Total No of suppliers will be displayed.


Total No of purchasers will be displayed.

Invoices Eligible for Early Payment#

Total value and total no of invoices which are eligible for financing will be displayed.

Pending Invoices#

Total value of invoices which are pending for approval will be displayed (Invoices which are imported by the supplier and requested for approval from the purchaser).

Approved Invoices#

Total value of approved invoices will be displayed (Invoices approved by the purchaser and the invoices imported by the purchaser).

Total Payables#

Total payable invoice value will be displayed (Invoices which should be settled by the purchaser).


Total financed invoice value will be displayed (Invoices which are requested for finance by the supplier).