Invite Suppliers#

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You can add a supplier to the platform in several ways,

  • Inviting a Supplier
  • Importing Suppliers directly from your Accounts Payable system, via a batch file in .csv format
  • Adding an Existing Supplier on the platform

Invite Supplier#

First Purchaser has to log in to the platform. Click on Contacts and click on Suppliers (Fig 1), click on Add Supplier (Fig 2), then you will be navigated to Fig 3. Fill the details in Fig 3 and click on Save.

  • Name = Business name of the supplier
  • Registration Scheme = ASIC (Australia), ACRA (Singapore), DRCSL(Sri Lanka). The Platform can be customised to accept other corporate regulatory authority schemes for different jurisdictions.
  • Identification Type = ACN, ABN, UEN, CRN, The Platform can be customised to accept other corporate/entity unique identification for different jurisdictions.
  • Identification Number = Number of the registered scheme


Fig 1 - Contacts


Fig 2 - Add Supplier


Fig 3 - Add New Supplier

After entering the supplier details and saving them, the supplier has now been added to the platform. You can verify this by clicking on the Imported Supplier tab, which will show the following details.


Fig 4 - Imported Suppliers

Then click on the supplier record (Fig 4) and click on Invite (Fig 5), then the Invite Party window will be opened (Fig 6).


Fig 5 - Invite Supplier

Enter the email address of the receiver and click on Send Invitation, then the link to the registration email will be sent to the supplier’s email address.


Fig 6 - Send Invitation

Import Supplier#

To add a supplier via Import option, click on Import Supplier, click on File (Fig 1), then the File Upload window will be opened (Fig 2).


Fig 1 - Import Suppliers

Select the file which you need to upload and click on Upload, then supplier details will be imported to the platform, imported supplier details will be displayed (Fig 4).


Fig 2 - Upload File Window

Import Purchasers

Fig 3 - File Selected


Fig 4 - Import Suppliers Result

In order to invite an imported supplier, click on contacts and click on suppliers (Fig 5), then you will be navigated to Fig 6.


Fig 5 - Contacts

Click on Imported, then you will be navigated to Fig 7.


Fig 6 - Suppliers

Click on the supplier record, then you will be navigated inside the supplier.


Fig 7 - Imported Suppliers

Click on Invite (Fig 8), then you will be able to see Fig 9.


Fig 8 - Invite

Enter the email address of the supplier and click on Send Invitation, email will be sent to the supplier’s email address.


Fig 9 - Send Invitation

Add an Existing Supplier#

Click on the contact and click on suppliers (Fig 1), then you will be navigated to Fig 2.

Invite Suppliers

Fig 1 - Contacts


Fig 2 - Suppliers

Click on Add Supplier (Fig 3), then you will be navigated to Fig 4.

Invite Suppliers

Fig 3 - Add Supplier

Click on Party field (Fig 4), then all the successfully onboarded suppliers will be listed (Fig 5). Select the supplier whom you wish to add, you will be navigated to Fig 6. Click on save, then the selected supplier will be added to your contacts.

Invite Suppliers

Fig 4 - Add New Supplier

Invite Suppliers

Fig 5 - Existing Suppliers

Invite Suppliers

Fig 6 - Save Supplier

Click on Onboarded, then you will be able to see the selected supplier listed under Onboarded Suppliers (Fig 7).

Invite Suppliers

Fig 7 - Onboarded Suppliers

Set Supplier Code#

Before a supplier can import invoices into the platform, supplier code needs to be populated and enable financing.

Click on contacts and select suppliers (Fig 1), then you will be navigated to Fig 2. Select the supplier whom you wish to add invoices in to the platform, then you will be navigated to Fig 3.

  • Supplier Code : Unique identifier for the supplier
  • Financing Enabled: Supplier's ability to request finacing for the invoices
  • Discounting Limit: Maximum % of invoice value that the financier would finance

Invite Suppliers

Fig 1 - Contacts

Set Supplier Code

Fig 2 - Suppliers

Set Supplier Code

Fig 3 - Supplier info

Set the Supplier Code (Fig 4) and select Financing Enabled as Yes (Fig 5).

Set Supplier Code

Fig 4 - Supplier Code

Set Supplier Code

Fig 5 - Finance Enabled

Once the required fields are populated, click on Save to save information.